Better Together 2023
Fundraising ($3,088 raised)
Top groups:
1.#biogen 30 racers × $31.34 avg = $940.31
2.#sma_west 6 racers × $45.10 avg = $270.56
3.#sma_southeast 2 racers × $80.10 avg = $160.19
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Top fundraisers:
1.Mark Salyers $303.10
2.Kevin Conway $255.10
3.Natalyn Norman $140.10
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Top contributors:
1.Mark Test $200
2.Anonymous $200
3.Anonymous $200
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Top team fundraisers:
1.SMA Marketing $545.77
2.North RDAE Team $500.48
3.LCM SoleShine $463.96
4.BI&O $315.96
5.West Field Team $230.96
6.US Compliance $200.38
7.PS Gang! $180.96
8.South $160.19
9.West Part II $150.19
10.Central RDAEs $135.67
11.Central FAMily $120.38
12.RDRM $55.10
13.U.S. Medical $10.19
14.Cure SMA TEST $10.19
15.North FAMily $7.63
Latest contributions:
$200 from Anonymous
$200 from Anonymous
North RDAE Team Aug 26, 2023
North RDAE Team Aug 21, 2023
Total Progress:
Team Biogen 2558.1 miles
(LAP 2)
All groups:
… >>
1.#biogen 30 racers × 27.8 avg = 833 miles
2.#sma_west 6 racers × 36.5 avg = 219 miles
3.#sma_southeast 2 racers × 29.5 avg = 59 miles
4.#sma_fal_team 3 racers × 15.8 avg = 47 miles
5.#furthertogether 2 racers × 20.4 avg = 41 miles
6.#sma_greatplains 1 racers × 7.7 avg = 8 miles
7.#alz_field 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
8.#alz_homeoffice 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
9.#ms_field 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
10.#ms_homeoffice 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
11.#sma_greatlakes 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
12.#sma_home_office 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
13.#sma_matts_lt 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
14.#sma_northeast 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
15.#sma_rdrls 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
1.SMA Marketing 400.0 miles
2.West Field Team 340.3 miles
3.PS Gang! 335.1 miles
4.BI&O 306.3 miles
5.LCM SoleShine 296.5 miles
6.North RDAE Team 254.7 miles
7.Central RDAEs 234.9 miles
8.US Compliance 172.4 miles
9.South 58.9 miles
10.North FAMily 35.6 miles
11.Central FAMily 32.3 miles
12.RDRM 27.7 miles
13.Cure SMA TEST 22.7 miles
14.West Part II 22.5 miles
15.U.S. Medical 18.1 miles
Athletes (79)
(participants active in race)
1.DVoss 95.2 miles
2.Chandri 88.9 miles
3.kschmitty 85.6 miles
4.RoadAgent 76.2 miles
5.DustinR 71.4 miles
6.KevinEC 68.3 miles
7.KCPrimetime 64.8 miles
8.letsdothisPS 62.9 miles
9.Rajeev 58.6 miles
10.Natalyn 58.5 miles
11.Ebonee 58.3 miles
12.KWheelz 57.5 miles
13.burnsc2 56.9 miles
14.AnneM 56.9 miles
15.ELing 55.9 miles
16.LynnT 53.9 miles
17.Shamarrah 53.8 miles
18.Kfortino 51.8 miles
19.RTodd 51.4 miles
20.HawaiiKevin 48.8 miles
21.ClaireRhodes 47.5 miles
22.FOB 47.5 miles
23.texasrunner 45.0 miles
24.MikeA 43.0 miles
25.LesCash 42.3 miles
26.mkahan 41.6 miles
27.HeatherRomero 41.3 miles
28.KCald 40.5 miles
29.Joanna_JT 39.9 miles
30.SJMarrero 39.7 miles
31.JarrodEk 38.4 miles
32.CDOGG 38.3 miles
33.ShannoninKC 34.0 miles
34.Smashers 33.1 miles
35.CarrieP 31.0 miles
36.SJE 29.2 miles
37.LCM-NNE_NYC_JAX 29.0 miles
38.Cayla 29.0 miles
39.Jules1 28.2 miles
40.RDRMteam 27.7 miles
41.CourtneyGriffin 27.3 miles
42.JimMasterson 26.6 miles
43.Meganmlang12 26.5 miles
44.MJones 26.2 miles
45.Olisa 25.8 miles
46.ShugWalker 23.3 miles
47.SarahUKJ 22.7 miles
48.MarkSalyers 22.3 miles
49.ValenSeeya 21.4 miles
50.Jolly19 21.0 miles
51.BigJude 19.2 miles
52.Puertorra 19.0 miles
53.JNG47 18.7 miles
54.JenGette 16.8 miles
55.sg27513 15.9 miles
56.BClowney 15.3 miles
57.Leath 15.2 miles
58.SNolte1 15.2 miles
59.sfuller 14.5 miles
60.VegasVinson 14.5 miles
61.LEH 14.1 miles
62.KristaS 14.0 miles
63.Shivang 14.0 miles
64.Katie78 10.5 miles
65.CBizz 9.8 miles
66.JLCundiff 9.1 miles
67.J-BA 9.0 miles
68.MelissaKang 8.3 miles
69.Matijevich 8.0 miles
70.JMoline 7.7 miles
71.mandysunbrown 7.2 miles
72.BethS 6.1 miles
73.JulieOCE 4.2 miles
74.HeatherBP 4.0 miles
75.FAMSD 3.0 miles
76.AlyssaZ 0 miles
77.LauriOB 0 miles
78.Holly_322 0 miles
79.MCoz 0 miles
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Team Mileage Log:
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Team Mileage Log:
About + Join
- From: Weston, MA
- To: Austin, TX
- Start date: August 21, 2023
- End date: August 31, 2023
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 2,957.4 miles
- Total logged: 2,558.1 miles
Last year, we got "Further Together." This year, as we strive to support SMA patients and make a difference, we are coming together, working together, and we are "Better Together."
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and watch the company's avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and watch the company's avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.